Mars and the Moon have very high cosmic radiation on their surface. Therefore their manned exploration requires using of caves for immediate shelters of astronauts. So location of such caves is of vital importance for future manned exploration and settlement there. We develop a new technique for remote location of cave entrances using thermal vision technique (fig.1). Cave entrances can be located by a thermal camera located on space probes or ROVs. We successfully performed preliminary remote locations of cave entrances on Earth to optimize this technique for work on Mars.
This research was supported by BSF with DN14/4 grant to Y. Shopov.
Author: Yavor Shopov 1,2,3
1 Sofia University, Faculty of Physics, University center for Space Research and Technologies,;
2 Medical University of Sofia, ul. Zdrave 2, Sofia,
3 Space Science Centre for Research and Postgraduate Studies, Durban University of Technology, P. O. Box 1334, Durban 4000 Republic of South Africa
Section: Symposium on “Techniques for Remote Location of Unknown Underground Cavities”
Type: oral presentation
Short bio of the presenter: Yavor Shopov is president of UIS commission on Physical Chemistry and Hydrogeology of Karst, Leader of its International Programme on Remote Location of Caves and president of Bulgarian Federation of Speleology.
Оrganization: 1Sofia University, Faculty of Physics, University center for Space Research and Technologies,; 2 Medical University of Sofia, ul. Zdrave 2, Sofia, 3 Space Science Centre for Research and Postgraduate Studies, Durban University of Technology, P. O. Box 1334, Durban 4000 Republic of South Africa
Shopov Y. (2017) Using thermal vision cameras for remote location of caves on Mars for immediate shelters for astronauts and storage chambers Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering (J Aeronaut Aerospace Eng) May 2017, Volume 6, Issue 2, 64