
During the EuroSpeleo Forum 2019 symposia on following topics are planned to take place: „Cave Climate and Paleoclimate – Best Record of the Global Change“, The Second European Symposium on „Techniques for Remote Location of Unknown Underground Cavities” and Second EuroSpeleo Show Cave Symposium.

Call for participation in “Cave Climate and Paleoclimate – Best Record of the Global Change IV“ symposium

Dear Colleague,

I am writing you regarding the 4th Symposium on “Cave Climate and Paleoclimate – Best Record of the Global Change IV“ in September 2019.

This meeting is primary focused on influence of the climate and karst ecosystems on karst processes and on paleoclimatic records in speleothems and cave sediments.

Following the great success of the international workshop on „Cave Climate and Paleoclimate – Best Record of the Global Change“ in Stara Zagora, symposium on „Cave Climate and Paleoclimate – Best Record of the Global Change II“ during the 14thInternational Congress of Speleology (ICS) in Greece and the special session „Cave Climate and Paleoclimate Record of the Global Change III” of the 16th ICS in Brno, 4th Symposium on „Cave Climate and Paleoclimate – Best Record of the

Global Change IV“ will be held during the 13th EuroSpeleo Forum in Sofia, Bulgaria, 26th-29th September, 2019.

I would like to invite you to submit a talk to this meeting. Your participation in the meeting will be most welcome. You must be registered participant of the 13th EuroSpeleo Forum in order to give presentations at this Symposium (which is a part of the Forum).

Topics of the Symposium are:

  1. Underground Climatology
  2. Paleoclimatic Reconstruction from Karst Sediments
  3. Speleothem records of Global Environmental Changes.
  4. Ecosystems Impact on Karst Processes and Karst Records.
  5. Astrophysical and Geophysical Applications of Speleothem Records
  6. Infiltration of Porous Waters
  7. Soil Impact on Karst Processes
  8. Physical Chemistry of Karst Processes
  9. Trace Geochemistry of Karst
  10. Biogenic Mineralisation in Caves
  11. Using of Cave Climate for Medical Therapy.

With my best regards,

Prof. Yavor Shopov, B.A., M.Sc, PhD, Chairman of the 4th Symposium on “Cave Climate and Paleoclimate – Best Record of the Global Change IV”

Call for participation in The Second European Symposium on „Techniques for Remote Location of Unknown Underground Cavities”

Dear Colleague,

I am writing you regarding the International Symposium on „Techniques for Remote Location of Unknown Underground Cavities” in September 2019. This meeting is primary focused on development and applications of new techniques for remote location of unknown caves. The most advanced of this technique is remote location of new unknown caves with thermal cameras mounted on drones. It has great potential for location of new unknown caves in hardly accessible remote locations with extremely rough and dangerous surface like Afghanistan, Pakistan or tepui in Venezuela. It will be extremely helpful to expand cave exploration in new regions and even on other planets. Studies of possibilities for application of this technique for search for caves on Mars and the Moon already began. So this symposium will be of interest not only to cave scientists and exploration geophysicist, but also to all cavers interested in the exciting search and exploration of new caves.

International Symposium on „Techniques for Remote Location of Unknown Underground Cavities” will be held during the 13thEuroSpeleo Forum in Sofia, Bulgaria, 26th-29th September, 2019.

I would like to invite you to submit a talk to this meeting. Your participation in the meeting will be most welcome. You must be registered participant of the 13th EuroSpeleo Forum in order to give presentations at this Symposium (which is a part of the Forum).

With my best regards,

Prof. Yavor Shopov, PhD,

Chairman of the International Symposium on „Techniques for Remote Location of Unknown Underground Cavities”

Call for participation in the 2nd EuroSpeleo Show Cave Symposium

After the 1st EuroSpeleo Show Cave Symposium in Austria in 2018, a 2nd symposium will be held during the 13th EuroSpeleo Forum in Sofia, Bulgaria in partnership with the Bulgarian Tourist Union.

In a special scientific session, participants will have the opportunity to present and discuss current topics on different stages of rebuilding a cave in a show cave as: cave exploration, conservation, access and socialization, working time and access control, protection of the underground environment, standards for show cave development.

In addition, at a specially organized “round table” will be discussed topics related to:

  • Creation of a European network of show caves;
  • Theory and practice of training guides for show caves;
  • Show caves as a continuous source of scientific data about physical parameters inside and outside the cave, which are the foundation of cave monitoring, cave climate research and estimation of the anthropogenic factors’ influence.

A visit to the Saeva dupka cave is foreseen for the participants in the symposium. The cave is located 3 km south of the village of Brestnitsa, Lovech District and 10 km from the town of Yablanitsa. Saeva dupka cave is one of the most beautiful caves in Bulgaria. Temperatures in the cave are from 7 to 11° C and the humidity is between 90 and 98%. It is 520 meters above the sea level. The cave is almost 210 meters long. There is a river, 70 meters below the ground. Geomorphological studies show that it is about 3 million years old.

Saeva dupka cave is unique with the specific green, brown and white coloration of the secondary karst formations. It has a huge variety of stalactites, stalagmites, columns, helicities and dendrites. The largest column there has a circuit of 60 meters. Bones of animals, clay vessels, coins dated from the time of the Roman emperor Antony and other artifacts have been found during the reconstruction of the cave.

Since 2006, Saeva dupka cave is a polygon for experimental integrated monitoring and complex physicochemical studies of the cave environment and its interaction with the karst massif and Earth’s atmosphere.

A special talk will be given for the participants during the visit.

We invite all show cave operators and cave explorers to exchange their experience and knowledge participating in the “2nd Show Cave Symposium” in the frames of the 13th EuroSpeleo Forum in Sofia, Bulgaria.