The Karlukovo cave area is one of the most interesting karst regions in Bulgaria. The Heliktit cave club has been working hard in the region for nearly 40 years, exploring ...
CaveSurvey is about digitally surveying caves with widely available tools. The presentation makes overview of the project, the supported measurement tools and provided options. It gives some insights and is ...
Since the completion of its first mapping and until 2006, Malham cave in Mount Sedom was considered to be the longest salt cave in the world. In 2006, an Iranian-Czech ...
The karst of Myanmar is one of the most extensive in Southeast Asia. A systematic documentation is performed since 2009 by the Myanmar Cave Documentation Project. Large river caves of ...
Mt Sedom is an elongated salt diapir that exposed at the SW Dead-Sea shore. The diapir size is 11X1.5 km and it rises from -400 m (below sea level) up ...