The International Program on “Techniques for Remote Location of Caves” (RLC) of the International Union of Speleology (UIS) and Bulgarian project related to it

The International Program on “Techniques for Remote Location of Caves” (RLC) of UIS aims to locate new unknown caves and caves in hardly accessible regions and will be extremely helpful to expand cave exploration in new regions and even on other planets. It consists of the following stages:

  1. To optimize techniques on the surface and to do calibration of it on mapped caves (fig.1).
  2. To put observational instruments on aircrafts to locate caves from the sky.
  3. To put observational instruments on microsatellites.
  4. To propose to NASA to use this techniques for location of caves on Mars.

This research is supported by BSF with DN14/4 grant to Y. Shopov.

Author: Yavor Shopov 1,2,3

 1 Sofia University, Faculty of Physics, University center for Space Research and Technologies,;

2 Medical University of Sofia, ul. Zdrave 2, Sofia,

3 Space Science Centre for Research and Postgraduate Studies, Durban University of Technology, P. O. Box 1334, Durban 4000 Republic of South Africa

Section: Symposium on “Techniques for Remote Location of Unknown Underground Cavities”

Type: oral presentation

Short bio of the presenter: Yavor Shopov is president of UIS commission on Physical Chemistry and Hydrogeology of Karst, Leader of its International Programme on Remote Location of Caves and president of Bulgarian Federation of Speleology.

Оrganization: 1Sofia University, Faculty of Physics, University center for Space Research and Technologies,; 2 Medical University of Sofia, ul. Zdrave 2, Sofia, 3 Space Science Centre for Research and Postgraduate Studies, Durban University of Technology, P. O. Box 1334, Durban 4000 Republic of South Africa


Shopov Y. (2013) Commission on Physical Chemistry and Hydrogeology of Karst Activity Report 2009-2013. UIS Bulletin Volume 56, N. 1, pp.18-19.

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