Biospeleology in Germany. Methods to increase public and specialist interest

In the last years, biospeleology in Germany has got out of its life in the shadows and is currently becoming one of the most interesting disciplines in cave science. This is mainly because of publicity campaigns like the cave animal of the year campaign, but also a lot of further measures helped to improve the reputation of cave life. The presentation will show a potpourri of different actions and evaluate them relating to their effect on the public and on the scientific world.

Presenter: Hannes Köble, VdHK – Verband der deutschen Höhlen- und Karstforscher e. V.

Section: Cave Biology / Bio speleology

Oral presentation, 25 minutes

Short Biography
Responsible for Cave Protection/Biology at Landesverband für Karst- und Höhlenforschung Baden-Württemberg e. V. since 2014

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