Еxploration of the caves in Banski suhodol circus in North Pirin, SC Helictit – Sofia and SCC Akademic – Sofia

Banski suhodol circus is located in northern Pirin-southwest Bulgaria. Caves in the region are mostly vertical, evolved in Archaean marble with a depth of approximately 2000 m. They are of alpine character due to the high altitude. They have been a subject of exploration since 1968 by the cavers from “Akademik Sofia” SCC. One of the caves explored is system BS No. 9-11. After 2000 in the expeditions were involved cavers from SC “Helictit” Sofia and other clubs around the country, as well as international participants from Poland, Greece, Serbia, Iran, Israel etc. The main focus is the study of BC 9-11 cave system, which currently has a total depth of 372 meters and length of the galleries more than 1.300 meters. In addition to the research activities in the caves was carried out research of the geology of the circus, the glacier, fauna and bats in the region and also various studies of the tree species, which certainly contribute to the exploration of the high-mountain karst in northern Pirin.

Presenting: Pavel Bakalov and Konstantin Stoichkov

Section: Cave explorations and expeditions

Type: Oral presentation

About the presenters:

Pavel Bakalov and Konstantin Stoichkov are experienced cavers with approximately twenty years of experience in the Pirin mountain who jointly organize the expeditions in the Banski suhodol circus.In addition, they take part in various activities in the cave system BS №9-11, like exploration of new areas, narrow passages, mapping etc.

Оrganizations: Speleo club Helictit – Sofia, Bulgaria and SCC Akademic – Sofia.

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