Presentation summarizing our activities and most important results of more than 50 expeditions in Balkan countries since 2008 to present time.
Sites of our interest are in Montenegro, Slovenia, Romania and Bulgaria.
Presenter: Petr Barák
Club: Devon caving club – Czech speleological society
Section: Cave explorations and expeditions
Type: Oral presentation
Short bio of the presenter: Petr Barák (*1986), speleologist interested about exploring new caves, countries, cultures. Focused on diving and less actively on single rope technics, mapping, photodocumentation, climbing, publishing. Favourite region is Balkan.
Barák, P., Svoboda, T., Ponta, G. (2019): Aniney Mountains: Captare Cave (Pestera de la Captare) . — Caves and karst systems of Romania (Ponta. G., Onac, B. – eds.), 227–232. Springer.
Barák, P., (2014): Explorâri speologice ceheşti în vestul României. — Speomond 17, 25–27Kaman, V., Barák, P. (2013): Exploring of the Jasanka cave in Banat, Romania. — Proceedings of 16th International Congress of Speleology Volume 2 (Exploration and Cave Techniques), 161–164. Praha.
Kaman, V., Sirotek, J., Barák, P., Pazderka, V.(2013): Expeditions to the Banát Mountains, Romania in 2011–2012. — Czech speleological society 2009–2012, 54–55. Praha.