A major problem of using of dyes for groundwater tracing is that it could be mixed with drinking water, which can cause a psychological shock in the local population when seeing appearance of luminous dye in their potable water. We demonstrated that measurements of spectra of fluorescence of natural waters (fig.1) and of uranine in dilutes from the activated charcoal detectors allow detection of uranine in concentrations below its visual detection threshold during dye tracing of underground waters.
This research was supported by Ministry of education under National Program on Environment to Y. Shopov.
Authors: Yavor Shopov 1, 2,3*, Ivan Antonov 1 ,Valentin Lozanov1
1Faculty of Medicine, Medical University- Sofia, Zdrave 2 Str., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria, yyshopov@yahoo.com;
2 Sofia University, Faculty of Physics, University center for Space Research and Technologies
3 Space Science Centre for Research and Postgraduate Studies, Durban University of Technology, P. O. Box 1334, Durban 4000 Republic of South Africa,
Section: Symposium on “Techniques for Remote Location of Unknown Underground Cavities”
Type: oral presentation
Short bio of the presenter: Yavor Shopov is president of UIS commission on Physical Chemistry and Hydrogeology of Karst, Leader of its International Programme on Remote Location of Caves and president of Bulgarian Federation of Speleology.
Оrganization: 1Medical University of Sofia, ul. Zdrave 2, Sofia, yyshopov@yahoo.com; 2Sofia University, Faculty of Physics, University center for Space Research and Technologies, 3Space Science Centre for Research and Postgraduate Studies, Durban University of Technology, P. O. Box 1334, Durban 4000 Republic of South Africa.