Diatom Humidophila braekkensoides is rare, aerophytic species found in seven caves of Serbia. First time was found at Alp’s rock in thin layer and described as a species that prefer non calcareous substratum. Our results show that H.brekkaensoides is found at limestone in caves, sporadically at the entrance, and in higher abundance inside, near artificial light. Cell dimensions differ from first record and it is shown that species can tolerate wider range of ecological parameters.
Author: Nataša Nikolić
Nataša Nikolić1*, Slađana Popović2, Danijela Vidaković3, Gordana Subakov Simić1, Jelena Krizmanić1
1 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
2 University of Belgrade, Scientific Institution, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, National Institute, Department of Ecology and Technoeconomics, Njegoševa 12, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
3 University of Belgrade, Scientific Institution, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, National Institute, Department of Chemistry, Njegoševa 12, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Corresponding e-mail: nikolic.natasa@outlook.com
Section: Cave Biology/ Bio speleology
Type: Poster presentation
Short bio of the presenter:
Nataša Nikolić is a PhD Student at Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. The focus of her thesis is monitoring algae growth in caves and finding solution for their removal from cave substratum.
Nikolić N., Zarubica N., Gavrilović B., Predojević D., Trbojević I., Subakov Simić G., Popović S. (2018): Cyanobacteria in tourist caves in Serbia (Potpeć and Stopić): biofilm at the entrance and lampenflora. The 3rd Early Career Researcher Symposium on Cyanobacteria, Cyano 2018, Freiburg, Germany. 12-14.09.2018. Abstract book. p. 59.
Nikolić N., Subakov Simić G., Popović S. (2018): Effect of hydrogen peroxide solution on green algae culture. BTAK Symposium 27-30.09. 2018, Băile Herculane, Romania. Abstract book. p. 41.